All photos are public domain.

A B O U T - P H O T O S - W E B L O G
Gare de l'Est

A space invader is hidden somewhere in this picture


Camera : Konica Hexar RF

Lens : Konica Hexanon 50mm f2.0

Film : Fuji Neopan 1600

Tags: Konica Hexanon 50mm f2.0, street, france, konica, neopan 1600, n&b, film, paris, paris street, fuji, street night, noiretblanc, night, blackandwhite, noir&blanc, neopan, b&w, paris street night, black&white, fuji neopan 1600, hexar rf, konica hexar rf

To the extent possible under law, Nicolas Vigier has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to all photos and texts published on website.
This work is published from France.